The Cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary: fitting the redeemed for Heaven

List of Studies

1. Introduction

The cleansing of the Sanctuary announced:  Da 8:14  Unto two thousand and three hundred days then shall the sanctuary be cleansed [Strong’s H6663, to be right].

As we see in study: ‘Sin defeated: overview’, 2.2,2.5, the cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary is the third phase of Christ’s Atonement for the sin of mankind (the first two phases are the Cross, and the Resurrection of Christ).

As such, the Cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary is equally as important as the first two phases. Such is its importance that, when the cleansing is completed, the redeemed will be fitted fully for eternal life in God’s Kingdom - they will be as though they had never sinned. The wicked, on the other hand, will be forever condemned and marked for eternal death. 

In this study, therefore, we examine in depth the Cleansing of the Sanctuary in Heaven, its purpose and its outcome.

2. The context

God instructed that the Sanctuary on Earth should be constructed in accordance with the pattern of the Sanctuary in Heaven. (Ex 25:9).  

Paul reminds us (He 8:5) that the earthly Sanctuary is a ‘shadow’ (i.e. a close representation) of things in Heaven.  The Sanctuary on Earth is therefore an illustration of the plan of salvation that God has established in Heaven. 

The ‘Daily’ / ‘Continual’ ministry on Earth

We see in study: ‘The Sanctuary on Earth’,3 that the sin and trespass offerings in the earthly Sanctuary separated the sinner from confessed sin by transferring the sin to the (outer compartment) of the Sanctuary, where it remained until the annual cleansing of the Sanctuary.

The annual Day of Atonement: the final cleansing of sin

Once a year on the Day of Atonement, in the Most Holy (inner compartment) of the earthly Sanctuary the sin accumulated from the continual sin and trespass offerings was eradicated (in figure, He 9:8,9), thereby cleansing the Sanctuary (see study: ‘The Day of Atonement).  As a result, Israel was re-affirmed as God’s people.

As prefigured in the earthly ministry, Christ’s ‘continual’ Ministry in the Holy of the Heavenly Sanctuary separates confessed sin from the sinner by transferring the sin to the Sanctuary (see study: ‘The Cross’,3.1 under the sub heading ‘Separation from sin’), where it remains until the final cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary .

As prefigured by the earthly Day of Atonement, Christ’s Ministry in the Most Holy of the Heavenly Sanctuary eradicates (eternally) the sin transferred to the Sanctuary by His ‘continual’ Ministry - this is addressed in depth in the remainder of this study.

Note. Many deny the doctrine of the Sanctuary in Heaven and its cleansing.  They assert that the Atonement for sin was wholly completed on the Cross, and thus there is no need for a final cleansing .  This objection is addressed in study: ‘The Sanctuary: answering objections’, Objection 1.

3. Cleansing the Heavenly Sanctuary: key purpose, start date, and timing

Many understand the Hebrew word translated in the KJV as ‘cleansed’ (H6663) to mean ‘vindicate’, and they apply it primarily to the vindication of God in His dealing with sin. 

However, Scripture is plain - Christ’s purpose is primarily to save sinners (Lk 19:10; 1Ti 1:15).  Therefore, everything that Christ has done and is doing is for the salvation of penitent mankind.  

Thus the key purpose of the cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary is primarily to render the redeemed wholly right (Da 8:14 above) with God by making them as though they had never sinned, and to do so in a way that reveals, and vindicates, God's plan of salvation.

The start date of the cleansing is given by the 2300 days prophecy, which is addressed in study: ‘The 2300 days prophecy: the end time in history’,4. 

There we see that prophetic days refer to actual years (see Prophetic time), and we establish autumn 1844 AD as the end point of the 2300 days (years), which denotes the beginning of the end time in Heaven, and the start of the Cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary.

Note. Many teach that when Christ ascended to Heaven He began His final Atonement immediately.  To complement this belief, they teach that Christ’s ‘Daily’ Ministry was conducted before the Cross. These companion objections are addressed in study: ‘The Sanctuary: answering objections’, Objections 2 and 3. 

In order to prepare the redeemed for the Heavenly Kingdom, this cleansing occurs before the second advent of Christ, so that when Christ returns the number of the redeemed is made up, and they are ready to receive the reward that Christ brings with Him (Re 22:12). 

To understand such important concepts, we must now study the Cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary in depth.  The Cleansing consists of both Judgement and Atonement.  We shall first examine the Atonement aspect.

4. The Cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary: Atonement

In the Old Testament the term ‘atonement’ is applied to the many continual sacrifices ordained by God, particularly the sin and trespass offerings that transferred sin to the Sanctuary (see section 2). 

The term ‘atonement’ is also applied to the sacrifices on the annual Day of Atonement (Leviticus ch. 16).

Thus the Old Testament atonement for sin was an ongoing process, through to the final eradication (in figure) of sin. 

As the Old Testament ministry foreshadowed Christ’s Ministry, we may apply the term ‘atonement’ to both Christ’s continual Ministry, and His final cleansing Ministry. Therefore Christ’s whole Ministry fulfils the process of atonement prefigured on Earth.

4.1 The need for a cleansing Atonement 

The Day of Atonement on Earth was a figure sufficient for the time, but it could not actually eradicate sin (He 10:4).  Furthermore, it dealt with sin for one year only.  Following the Day of Atonement the process began again, and so on for centuries.

If the redeemed are to have eternal life (Ro 6:23) a final cleansing from sin that is sufficient for eternity, never needing to be repeated, is needed.  This is provided in the Cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary.

In order to join the unfallen universe the redeemed must actually be without sin - it is not sufficient for the redeemed to be regarded as such.

Therefore the ultimate purpose of the Cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary is to entirely eradicate the sin of the redeemed so that they are sinless perfection.  Only then will Christ’s Atonement for sin be entire and complete. 

This is confirmed in 2Co 5:21, in which we see that, in Christ, the redeemed are made the Righteousness of God, which is absolute sinless perfection.

4.2 Conducting the cleansing Atonement 

On the annual Day of Atonement in the earthly Sanctuary the High Priest entered the Most Holy (i.e. within the veil) to make, in the very presence of the Father, an atonement for Israel. The atoning blood was sprinkled on the Mercy Seat, which rested on the Ark of the Covenant - mercy is above the Law.   

In keeping with the earthly representation, to conduct the cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary the Father and the Son (Christ our High Priest) must enter the Most Holy in Heaven. 

We see  in section 3 that this entrance occurred in the autumn of 1844 AD

Now that they are enthroned in the Most Holy, the Father and the Son are conducting their most solemn work: by the Blood of the Cross, the sin accumulated from Christ’s ‘Daily’ Ministry is eradicated for all eternity.

4.3 The nature of the cleansing Atonement 

As we see in Da 8:14 (section 3),‘cleansed’ is translated from Strong’s H6663, ‘to be right’.  Thus the cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary is in the sense of putting things right, i.e. in Christ penitent sinners are 'made right' - their sin is eradicated, and they have peace with God (Ro 5:1). 

Such peace is attainable only by the Blood of the Cross of Christ:

Col 1:20  And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven. 

The sufficiency of Christ’s Blood to reconcile sinners to Himself is discussed next.

4.4 The Power of Christ's Blood

By His own Blood, Christ is qualified to minister in the Heavenly Sanctuary.

Before the Cross, access to God in the Most Holy of the Sanctuary was not possible, neither on Earth nor in Heaven:

He 9:8  The Holy Ghost this signifying, that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest, while as the first tabernacle was yet standing: 

Now, in the power of the shed Blood of Christ, we do have direct access to God in the Most Holy in Heaven:

He 10:19  Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, 

(Note. The Greek word (Strongs G39, ‘hagion’) translated ‘holiest of all' and ‘holiest’ in the above verses, in each case, uses the identical form of the word).

Wherever Christ resides, with Him are those who are joined to Him by Faith, both now and through eternity.

In order to reach that point, there must be an open investigation so that the unfallen universe may know that the redeemed are truly restored to God.  This is addressed next.

5. The Cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary: Judgment

The concept of God’s ‘judgment hour’ is integral to His final messages to the world - see study: ‘The three angels’ messages: God’s final plea and warning’,2.1.

The popular understanding of divine judgment is that upon death, all are judged and consigned either to Heaven or to Hell (Hell is addressed in study: 'Hell: the true meaning').  However, Scripture is plain: Christ is coming again, and when He comes, He will bring His reward with Him (Re 22:12), which means that a judgment must have taken place before He comes.

The Cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary therefore must involve judgment - if the sin of the redeemed is to be eradicated, they must be examined and found worthy.

Da 7:10  A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened. 

This judgement is referred to as the investigative judgment.  Additionally, because this investigation (judgment) is conducted before the second advent of Christ, it is known as the pre-advent judgement.

The pre-advent judgement is not to apportion punishment - it is a work of open confirmation, either of eternal life or of eternal condemnation, making plain to unfallen created beings what the omniscient God already knows (Is 46:9,10).  Apportioning punishment occurs much later - see study: 'The end of sin and sinners: punishment and eternal death',2.3.

Note. Some believe that God is too loving to condemn and punish the wicked.  However, Scripture tells us plainly that while God is long-suffering, He will not acquit the wicked:

Na 1:3  The LORD is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked:…

5.1 Witnesses to the judgment

Satan, to further his ends, employed craftiness and insinuations about God (Ge 3:1-5). He succeeded with a third of the angels (Re 12:4), and with Adam and Eve. 

God must therefore uncover Satan’s character and his treachery, that none are deceived.

As he did in Eden, Satan has always sought to cloak his real purpose, attempting to justify his rebellion so that those who did not fall nevertheless may not be wholly convinced of his guilt.

Thus it is necessary for God's purposes and actions to be revealed to all unfallen beings, that they might see His Grace and perfect judgment:

Is 5:16  But the LORD of hosts shall be exalted in judgment, and God that is holy shall be sanctified in righteousness. 

Also witnesses to the investigative judgment are those few humans who are in Heaven.  

There is Enoch who was translated without seeing death (Ge 5:24; He 11:5); there is also Elijah who was taken to Heaven in a fiery chariot (2Ki 2:11), and Moses, who was resurrected (De 34:5; Jude 1:9) - the latter two appeared with Christ in His transfiguration (Mt 17:3; Lk 9:30).  

The 24 elders

There are also 24 elders who were redeemed out of ‘every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation’ (Re 5:8,9). Thus the 24 elders are humans who represent the whole human race in the Heavenly Sanctuary.  

The precise identity of these elders is not revealed. However, it is reasonable to believe that they are from amongst those who were raised with Christ (see study ‘The Cross’,4.3), and who were almost certainly taken to Heaven with Christ at His ascension.

The human witnesses to the judgment will be able to testify to the redeemed of the efficacy of God’s judgment.

5.2  With whom the judgment begins

The investigative judgment begins at ‘the House of God’:

1Pe 4:17  For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? 

The ‘House of God’ is the Church of the living God, the ‘home’ of professed believers:

1Ti 3:15  But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth

Thus the House of God is composed of true believers only, i.e. those who have confessed their sin.

As it is the ‘House of God’ that is judged, in accordance with the Day of Atonement on Earth (see study: ‘The Sanctuary on Earth’,3), only those (of all ages) who have confessed their sin have a part in the final cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary.

The investigative judgment involves the examination of books.

6. The Heavenly books

Re 20:12  And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. 

Two books are used in the judgment: the Book of Life, and a book in which is recorded the life’s record, the Book of Deeds.

Note.  Our understanding of the Heavenly books is confined to our limited grasp of Heavenly things.  God does reveal these things to us - though they are expressed in ways related to our experience. God needs no books - He knows all things (Is 46:9,10).  The concept of Heavenly Books is to aid the understanding of created beings. 

6.1 The Book of Life

As we have seen, judgment begins at the House of God (section 5.2), i.e. all who have professed faith and are consequently written in the Book of Life.

Furthermore, we have seen that, in accordance with the Day of Atonement on Earth, only the House of God (i.e. those written in the Book of Life) participate in the cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary.

Once a name is entered in the Book of Life it cannot be removed unless the reason for doing so is made plain - God’s justice must be transparent. Indeed this is a major reason for the cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary. 

Thus every name entered in the Book of Life remains there until the final investigative judgment - regardless of how they subsequently lived their lives. 

Those not written in the Book of Life have never repented and are thus condemned already (Jn 3:18), by their own hand.  They continually rejected God’s call of mercy, encapsulated in the light granted them from Heaven:

Pr 1:24,25  Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded; 

25  But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:

Those who never repented are held over for the judgment of the wicked (see study: 'The end of sin and sinners: punishment and eternal death').

6.2 The Book of Deeds

As we have seen, the Book of Deeds records every work, both good and bad. It shows whether the names entered in the Book of Life, after repentance, amended their lives to be obedient to God, and thereafter lived in harmony with His moral Law, as revealed in light from Heaven.

The faithful repentant have ‘pardoned’ recorded against their name. 

6.3 The Book of Remembrance

This is a special book containing the record of those who are zealous for God (Mal 3:16). 

6.4 The examination of the books

Every case in the Book of Life is examined - the Books of Deeds is consulted.

(Of course, God knows without consulting the books who is and who is not redeemed, but the process of examination is for the transparency of the judgment).

If ‘pardoned’ is found against a name, that name is retained in the Book of Life: 

Re 3:5  He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels. 

Before the Father and the Heavenly angels, Christ acknowledges His faithful redeemed as His own.

Names in the Boof of Life

If a name in the Book of Life is found to not have ‘pardoned’ entered in the Book of Deeds, that name is removed from the Book of Life. 

Their sin is then ‘added back’ to their account (see study: ‘Sin: definition, origin, and consequences‘,7 and Eze 18:24).

This applies both to those whose profession was initially genuine, but who later repudiated their faith, and to those whose profession was initially false.  

It It may seem a contradiction that the Book of Life contains names who are not amongst the saved, but again, for the transparency of the judgment this has to be the case.

Those who never repented

Those who have never repented are condemned already because their names are not (nor ever were) written in the Book of Life.

The end of the finally unfaithful

All who are found finally unfaithful must then face what is written against them in the Book of Deeds, and suffer condemnation and destruction:

Re 20:15  And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. 

The end of the finally unfaithful is addressed in study: ‘The end of sin and sinners: punishment and eternal death’.

When all cases have been decided, the fate of the whole human race will be forever fixed. 

At that point Christ will declare that probation for the whole human race is closed (see study: ‘The end of human probation’).

There will then be no opportunity to repent:

Pro 1:27-29  When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you. 

28 Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me: 

29 For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD: 

7. The Heavenly Sanctuary cleansed 

This is the moment which all the penitent faithful, from Adam to our day, have looked and longed for.

The Cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary eradicates the sin of the redeemed and endows them with the Righteousness of God (see 2Co 5:21, and study: ‘Salvation 1: God and Saviour’,5)

The redeemed will then be in a state of sinless perfection.  They will be as though they had never sinned - they will be wholly fitted for the Kingdom of Heaven, to join the unfallen beings in eternal joy, praise and worship.

Such is the completeness of the final Cleansing Atonement that even God will put the sin of the redeemed completely from His mind:

He 8:12  For I will be merciful to their unrighteousnesses, and I will not at all remember their sins and their lawless deeds.

This is the final and full realization of God’s Covenant promise (He 8:8-10).

As was the case with the Daily and Annual ministrations on Earth (see study ‘The Sanctuary on Earth’,3.4) that prefigured Christ’s Heavenly Ministry, The cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary, when properly understood, gives double assurance of salvation

Thus the Cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary does not contradict or add to the sacrificial Atonement made on the Cross.

The scene is then set for the redemption of the redeemed at Christ’s second coming.    

After a brief period of unprecedented trouble (see study: ‘The time of trouble: events after probation closes') Christ comes in glory to claim those He has ransomed, that they may be with Him for ever and ever (see study: ‘The second advent of Christ’).

Thus the events taking place in Heaven now are of critical importance to all.

8. Summary

This study has addressed the momentous event taking place in Heaven at this moment.  

Since 1844, Christ our High Priest has been cleansing the Heavenly Sanctuary by His own Blood, conducting the final, complete, Atonement for sin. 

The cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary does not mean that the Atonement of the Cross is incomplete - it is a confirmation of the salvation provided at the Cross, demonstrating the Cross to all of God’s unfallen creation in order to remove doubt insinuated by Satan.

The names of all who, in all ages, professed faith in saving Grace are entered in the Book of Life, and remain there until the final cleansing in the Heavenly Sanctuary. 

Each name is examined. Those names who remained faithful are retained. Those names who subsequently repudiated their faith, together with those who were false professors, are removed. The lost are sealed for later condemnation and destruction.

Those who never repented are not entered in the Book of Life, and are thus condemned by their own hand.

Once the Cleansing of the Sanctuary is completed the fate of the whole human race is fixed. The redeemed are made the Righteousness of God, wholly fitted for the Kingdom of Heaven, standing before God without sin.

Then, after a brief time of trouble, Christ will come in glory to take those whom He ransomed with His own blood to be with Him for ever.   

By repenting of sin and amending our lives we each may be found amongst the ransomed.  All whose names are finally not found written in the Book of Life are lost (by their own hand). The choice is ours.

List of Studies